Biology SPA Techniques part 1

on Sunday, January 4, 2009

SPA techniques:

Graph plotting

  • Draw a line graph unless there is a good reason for doing otherwise(i.e. not bar charts, histograms)
  • Identify the independent variable-the one that is changed or manipulated.
  • Identify the dependant varaible-the one that is measured-on which the readings are made.
  • use a sharp 2B or HB pencil
  • Horizontal(X) axis should show the Independant variable
  • Vertical(y) axis should show the dependant variable-the readings made
  • use a simple scale
  • Fill at least 2/3 or 1/2 the graph paper, but don't spill off the edges.
  • label the graph(eg. The temperature on rate of reaction or Graph of rate of reaction(y-axis) against time(x-axis)
  • label the axes and give the units(based on the table of data)
  • Ringed dots or crosses to plot the points
  • If the shape of the curve is not very clear, then draw a line of curve of best fit.
  1. if there is a relationship between the variables, draw a line of best fit/curve
  2. If you are not sure of the relationship between the variables and you do not need to extrapolate, then join the successive points with straight ruled lines.
  3. if you need to extrapolate or read the values from the graph, you should draw a line of best fit/curve
Otherwise, draw the dots accurately with ruled straight lines.

  1. Errors: Sampling error
  • (Small sample size) use only one potato strip per salt concentration
  • (Bias in sample selection against random selection) example, choosing seeds that are brightly-coloured in a seed pod for measurement in the study of genetic variation in seed length
  1. Experimental error
  • Equipemnt, apparatus or materials that give inaccurate or unreliable results-failure to check for zero error.
  • Sampling materials which are at different physiological stages


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